Did you know? Tofusoup!


Hi... you can learn about me here... if you want...


Quik Fax

  • Likes:
  • Dislikes:
    • Consequences
    • Rabbit hair on lips
  • Current preoccupation:
    • Bristlemouth fish. Specifically Cyclothone, which is thought to be the most abundant genus of vertebrate on Earth, with populations estimated to reach up to hundreds of trillions to quadrillions. Food for thought...

THE Tofusoup? :/

I'd NEVER talk about myself... hmph. lol okay well if you insist.

Where to start...

My name is everywhere on this site so I respect your intellegence and will skip over that part. But what you may not know is that I also go by Nat by close friends, so if you ever see people refer to me as Nat, that's why!

(Tho I prefer you don't call me that until I give you explicit permission or if you ask and I say yes. Please don't assume. Thank you :3)

I was born in the late 90s, so I don't remember anything about it. It was probably alright though.

I'm mixed Taiwanese and Lao, living in the United States. Being Asian is very important to me, and I'm a bit more distant with white people. I'm, ofc, willing to talk and be friends though. I'm just a little wary at first because I gotta vibecheck.

Unfortunately I am no longer fluent in Mandarin or Hokkien, and never could speak a lick of Lao. :( If you speak any of these, pls help a bitch out.

I have three animals. You can learn more about them here. I care a lot about proper animal husbandry, so I often talk about animals and pets. I was that one kid who only ever read about animals, both fiction and nonfiction, and never grew out of Pokemon and Digimon so naturally that means I had a fun childhood, surrounded by kind people who never once bullied me. I'm being sarcastic.

I don't play with gender, and my orientation is a mess. The only thing to know about me is that I'm probably vaguely transmasc to some degree, and I know for certain the only label I care to use is that I'm aromantic. Also ace in a weird fucked up way, but that's not as important.

Okay that's it do you like me.

Kin Onion

You got through the hard, wordy part. Here's a kin onion for your efforts. Maybe you can understand me better in the language of fictional characters. If you didn't read the above section then I guess I'll have to suck the images out of your brain.

Psst, a kin onion is where you put characters you relate to in an "onion" where you relate more to the characters on the inner rings and less to the ones one the outer rings.

Some of these characters are questionable but... please don't be scared... ok? 🥺

Outer Ring
  • Soma Akito - Fruits Basket
  • Porsha Crystal - Sing 2
  • Towa - Slow Damage
  • Tomie - Tomie
  • Reki - Haibane Renmei
  • Cairngorm - Houseki no Kuni
  • Katsuragi Misato - Neon Genesis Evangelion
  • Himemiya Anthy - Revolutionary Girl Utena
Inner Ring
  • Antarcticite - Houseki no Kuni
  • Yuno - MILGRAM
  • Yoi - Madara Moyou no Yoi
  • Lionhead rabbit - animal

Anyways! There you have it! My kin onion. :)

Fun facts!

Am I cute yet? No? Here're some more facts to convince you otherwise.

  • I'm mildy allergic to kiwis.
  • I drive no more than 5 mph above the speed limit on highways.
  • I couldn't remember the date of Christmas until my late teens.
  • I have weak synesthesia (I can sometimes literally smell vibes).
  • I've played Splatoon 1, 2, and 3.
  • I once lied to a Catholic priest so I could visit a seminary to do research for an OC.
  • I apparently mask so good I got undiagnosed with social anxiety.
  • I have eczema.

How about now?

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